Our music video for I’m Glad is here!
This song is about the moms. Mark lost his mom and I lost mine all too recently.
My mom, Margaret DeAngelis, underwent brain surgery to remove a congenital cyst growing and pressing on her brain 22 odd years ago. After the surgery she was better overnight, it was amazing. This song was about how relieved we were she was ok. She had about 15-16 good years but then the damage from the cyst caused her supranuclear palsy and we finally lost her on June 13, 2021.
Mark’s mom, Nancy Purnell, passed away from lung cancer in October 2018. She was an artist and art teacher up until the end of her life. You can read about one of her posthumously shows here.
Filmed on the rooftop of our building. This song is from our latest album Fancy Hercules.