love and confusion

Nexus Music Blog loves Love and Confusion

Oh joy, Nexus Music Blog loves Love and Confusion!

A little sampling of their review below:

“With a toe-tapping beat and head-bopping melodic arrangement, Makar wraps you in a kaleidoscopic blanket floating in a cinematic soundscape.”

The Other Side Reviews Love and Confusion

We received a stellar review of our song Love and Confusion by The Other Side Reviews

Here’s a taste -

‘Love and Confusion’ has you bopping around to the sound and the melody from the first note. There is a lovely summer vibe to the music that fills you with good vibes. As you sway and smile to the music, you can feel the stress of the world lifting off your shoulders, whilst soaking up the warmth of the single. The steady upbeat vibes of the music whip past you like the wind, as you ride down the open road with the windows down. The drums that enter later in the track add a beach vibe to the lively music. There is no way you can listen to this melody and not feel lighter after.

Read the review in its entirety below

just busy looking cool

Indie chronique - Confused But Happy with MAKAR

We received such a sweet review of our song Love and Confusion by the French blog - Indie chronique

“Makar delivers here a creative and totally addictive work as he makes us smile. With 'Love And Confusion', we have never been so confused, but happy.”

Full pithy review below

Sinusoidal Music reviews Love and Confusion

Check out a blurb from the review of Love and Confusion on Sinusoidal Music:

“Right from the start, there’s a very raw sound to the entire song, it almost sounds like a live recording and that makes the performance intimate and engaging. Additionally, their unique, poetic writing style paired with a powerful delivery play well in an atmosphere of playfulness and confusion on this track. – “I don’t know what to do/The sky is falling down”. With infectious melodies and hints of psychedelia, Makar’s lively performance here could easily get you on your toes!”

Read the full review below

Roadie Music Review of Love and Confusion

Check out our delicious review from Roadie Music!

A choice quote below

“The new release will inevitably expand its name to the most inhospitable corners, because “Love And Confusion” is SENSATIONAL!”

Wow. Thank you so much!

Read the whole review below:

With Guitars - Love & Confusion review

We received a cool review of our song Love & Confusion on With Guitars. (I mean everything is better with guitars, duh!)

A little taste below

“With the release of their latest single “Love and Confusion,” the band ramps up their positive vibes for a mesmerizing release of feel-good energy and vocal harmonies and contagious vibes. Right when Andrea’s vocals comes in, the flavorful pop notes were noticeable right from the start.”

You can read the entire review below:

Lost in the Manor Interview - Love and Confusion

Read our interview in Lost in the Manor.

We talk specifically about our song Love and Confusion.

“Your latest track is 'Love and Confusion'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

Andrea: I know there’s really no resemblance to this but when I started this song I was listening to Love and Happiness by Al Green over and over again. I mean it sounds nothing like that song, it’s just the longing in it. It’s my little Indie nod to Rev. Green. I just love the way he begins the song. He whispers in your ear, sets your soul on edge, talking just to you, telling you a truth. I like the beginning because it feels so quiet and yet so powerful.

What surprises me with this song’s creation is that it alludes to other songs we’ve written and I wasn’t even aware of it at the time. The lyric, “the sky is falling down” connects with another song on the album, Devil Don’t Do Me In lyric – “Do I give into depression or does the sky simply fall on me?” Emotions always threaten to burst through and are frowned upon in the day-to-day grind.

It’s funny, I only see all these intersections with in hindsight. Even in our second album, Funeral Genius in the title track, I wrote “the sky below is always falling a little.” And the sky is that feeling when depression starts to circle and you feel if only you fight hard enough you can hold up the sky and push back the depression. I tend to write about the same things unknowingly – insomnia, depression, anxiety, wanting to belong.

In the recording of Love and Confusion, it became a very different song. It was angrier before ( I had this desire to play it in a higher octave and in those higher octaves, Mark and I found all these different harmonies I could sing as well as the ooooo in the bridge. I can’t imagine the song without the oooo.

While I like the original version, the final version on the album with all the high / low harmonies and the high energy made the song take off. Add a little timbales and the song transformed.”

Read the rest of the interview below

Indie Dock Music Blog Review of Love & Confusion

Another awesome review of our single - Love and Confusion - from Indie Dock Music Blog.

“The single 'Love And Confusion' is the main tune from this record and it really has that amazing energy and extraordinary melody that fascinates us with its simplicity and memorability.”

Click on the link below to read the rest of the review