Neufutur Magazine Review of Zombies Have Rights Too

A sweet review of our song Zombies Have Rights Too on Neufutur Magazine.

“Husband and wife duo, Makar, have another cooler-than-you-think gem with their new Halloween-inspired hit, “Zombies Have Rights Too”. Or is it inspired by the undead? Perhaps a nefarious monster is behind the song, or maybe it’s presented as a nod to the folks that just don’t get the same attention or love as they deserve. The tight sound, the airy melodies and the quirky beat is what makes Makar oh-so-good.”

Writer, Kim Muncie, went into such a deep dive on this song!

“I felt like there was a deeper layer to this, that the idea of being isolated and alone is universal. I think in a lot of ways, as a society we are zombies. We are always looking ahead, and not always truly looking at the people around us or even in the mirror.”

We love this review and zombies will love it.


Guitar and Piano driven Indie Rock that will make Punk and Poet rejoice and dance together!