I'm Alright

Fantastic Review of I'm Alright on Music Existence

We received a fantastic review of our song I’m Alright on Music Existence:

It’s hard to pick a fav section in this review. But we think it’s this:

“Knowing that they have the street credit, the indie rock darlings of the world, I rooted for Makar’s overall essence. It’s like walking into a vintage store, all the yellows, the greens, the rust colors – and feeling an overwhelming sense of sunshine and love. They somehow embody this punk world but let in shards of light and optimism. If they were a periodical, Makar would be the homemade kind you used to grab on your way out of the downtown record stores. Someone took the time to make a run to Kinkos and make those music rags.”

You can read the rest of the review here —

And you can check out the video for I’m Alright below