Jim Morrison

Both Mark’s and Andrea’s flash fiction pieces published in Molotov Cocktail’s Flash Legend Mega Issue

Both Mark’s and Andrea’s flash fiction pieces got into Molotov Cocktail’s Flash Legend Mega Issue beating out stories from the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada, Ireland, Italy, and New Zealand. The editors also commented that --

 “We also saw a Molotov first, with two people who apparently live at the same address each scoring a slot in the Top 10 (must be something in the water)."

 Once we saw that scrolling down on the contest winners announcement page, we hoped they were talking about us.

 And they were!


Mark’s story and first published piece below
La Puerta – No. 9 in the top ten (a suitable musical placement)

Archived Copy


Andrea’s story
The Eyes – No. 4 in the top ten

Archived Copy


Also, super exciting, both of our stories will be included in Molotov Cocktail’s Fifth Annual Prize Winners Anthology (details on that in late summer).

We’re looking forward to reading the entire issue.

The Molotov Cocktail is a Portland-based electronic literary journal serving as a projectile for incendiary flash fiction of the dark and offbeat variety. We believe flash fiction should ignite on contact and engulf the page.

Check them out on Twitter too.